Tongkat Ali Extract 1000 mg Tribulus Terrestris 20mg Double Wood Doublewood 120 kapsul Longjack Eurycoma Longifolia untuk kesehatan pria dan testoterone
Rp 768,404
ongkat Ali Extract 200 to 1 (Longjack) Eurycoma Longifolia, 1020mg per Serving, 120 Capsules - Testosterone and Men\'s Health Support, with 20mg Tribulus Terrestris by Double Wood Supplements
* Mendukung tingkat libido yang sehat, terutama seiring bertambahnya usia
* Dapat membantu pembentukan massa otot
* Dapat menambah stamina dan daya tahan tubuh ketika berolahraga
* Diproduksi dan diuji di USA
Recommended Dosage
The recommended dosage of our Tongkat Ali Extract is two 500 mg capsules per day, taken either with or without food. It\'s not recommended to take more than 2000 mg of our Tongkat Ali Extract per day.
Tongkat Ali Extract Side Effects
Tongkat Ali is generally well tolerated and presents few adverse side effects when taken at normal dosages. The most common side effects associated with Tongkat Ali use are insomnia, irritability, and restlessness. You\'re much more likely to experience adverse side effects if exceeding the recommended dosage. Please consult with a physician before taking Tongkat Ali.