SAMSUNG Smart Clear View Cover With S Pen Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G Original
Rp 985,000
S Pen by its side
The Smart Clear View Cover has gotten an upgrade to accommodate the big addition to Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G — the S Pen. Simply place S Pen into the convenient holder inside to keep it at the ready for when you need it.
Powered by precision
The S Pen functions smoothly and accurately with the 0.7mm tip and 4096 pressure levels. To use with your Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G, simply hover it over the screen and click the S Pen button to start writing or using it to edit.
Surrounds to safeguard
With the flip cover on the front and the case on the back, the Smart Clear View Cover delivers protection that surrounds your phone. It even fits snugly to secure the exterior parts, like the camera and buttons.
jimmy_berens5 Mantap bgt barangnya original bgt
Harga juga murah dri pada toko lain
Asli aku senang skali
Hp masuk case langsung fungsi tdk ada atur ini atur itu
Pokoke mantul
Trmkasih kpn toko yg jujur
Smoga sukses slalu Amin.
aditya040319995 Barangnya mantap!!!
Gk sia” nunggu lama”
Toko terpecaya
Thanks buat shopie & thank buat sallernya ☺️
h*****l5 Mantap banget .. pengiriman nya cepat,packingan super aman.. ada bubble tebal plus dus... barang tiba dengan baik.. belum sempat dicoba...makasih seller ☺️🙏
hasbi_suryanto5 Trimakasih pesan udah di trima produk original kiriman Cepat paking sangat bagus dam berfungi baik Sip....
she_rhara5 Kualitas produk bagus
Respon penjual oke
Pengemasan rapih
Pengiriman baik
evita79795 Paket diterima dengan baik,packing bagus ,produk original,dan harga sangaaaat bagus,,recommend deh👏semoga tambah laris toko nya ka🙏
thuraya_official_distribution5 Barang bagus, original dan pengiriman cepat. Thank you
ragil_sulistyo5 Keren dah pokoknya, stylusnya juga berfungsi sangat presisi
by_alzeinbungashop5 Mantaaabbbbb kaakk 😍❤️❤️❤️❤️
Suksees slalu ya
Yg mau beli d sini jangan ragu lgsg pesan aja,dijamiin produk ori dan pengirman cepattt n adminnya ramah buangetttt 😊🤝❤️
valerya899505 Good loking banget keliatan keren gitu😚😍😍😍