Each battery features 7.2V, 1300mAh, High Capacity
Charge 3 batteries at a time from any USB power source (NOT included)
*Colokan/Adapter tidak termasuk.
Batteries work with the Sony original charger;
Charger works with the Sony original batteries
The PATONA triple battery charger in an elegant and slim design can be operated via the supplied USB cable.
With the charger, 3 batteries can be charged quickly, simultaneaously, and independently from each other. The charge level will be displayed on the LCD screen.
The integrated automatic shut-off system protects the camera battery from damage as a result of overcharging.
The battery and charger from PATONA is manufactured with top-quality components according to EUROPEAN quality standards.
lapakbarokah4 Fitur Terbaik:bagus
Sepadan dengan Harga:ya
Barang bagus, semoga awet gak cepet drop/rusak. Sudah dites bentar blm di tes pake lama.
Cuma kalo boleh saran buat adminnya yg gesit dong kalo ditanyain, udahlah slowres jawabannya suka gak nyambung pula dg pertanyaan.
fakhrizky115 Kualitas:Untuk kualitas the best sih patona👍🏻
Daya Tahan:Belum Di coba.Mohon maaf🙏🏻
Keamanan:Untuk kemamanan sendiri tergantung pemakaian menurut gw. jika pemakaian bar bar maka akan tidak aman
kikikuntel5 Kualitas:mantapp
Daya Tahan:Belom dicoba
Keamanan:belom dicoba
Belom tau karena mau di pakai dulu
d*****a5 Sepadan dengan Harga:Bismillah semoga sepadan
Fitur Terbaik:Bismillah semoga jadi yang terbaik
Amaan semuanya. Mantep. Semoga awet