*Brushless sensorless angle grinder drive control board general
*Control board drive voltage: 18V (5 strings of lithium batteries, fully charged 21V), power 300W.
*The battery pack marked with 48V, 68V, 88V, 98V, 128VF or TV can be used, and its voltage is actually 18V (5 series 2 parallel 10 cells or 5 series 3 parallel 15 lithium batteries, fully charged 21V) .
*Before testing the machine, you must first connect the wire---fix the motor---install the case---tighten the screw---make sure that the square shaft of the head can be easily rotated without jamming---connect the power supply--- Press down the speed control switch so that there is no gap in the shell! Otherwise, there may be a buzzing alarm!
*To prevent damage to the motherboard, please follow the requirements.
r*****s5 Tampilan:Baik
Performa:speed kencang
Alhamdulillah walau lama sampainya tpi modulnya bagus seperti baru lagi impact wrench
arifmurwendhi195 Kualitas:Baik
Mantap murmer,kualitas barang sesuai dengan harga 👍
Thanks Seller n Shopee🙏
Sukses selalu..
k*****n5 Tampilan:baguss....cocok bangetzz....
085348718237muhamad5 Tampilan:barang nya bagus
Performa:oke mantap
Kualitas:top lh pokok nya luar negeri
Barang bagu pokok nya GK kecewa walau dari luar negeri
k*****l5 Barang sesuai pesanan, pengiriman lama serta packing rapi
f*****55 Tampilan:sesuai gambar
Performa:mantap jos gandos
Kualitas:original emang
Barang sudahh datang tanggal 2 kemarin,,maaf baru bisa kasih nilai,,pakkingan sangat safety,,good jobb penjual di china nya,,pengiriman 2 minggu,,dari china ke jawa timur,,kurir ramah,,mantulll
r*****55 Kualitas:sesuai harga
Performa:belum tau
Semoga PNP ketika d pasang