MPU-6050 6 DOF Axis Gyro Gyroscope Accelerometer Sensor Modul MPU 6050 Cariolstore Elektronik Kelistrikan Kelistrikan Lainnya Beli Produk Toko: rein id Rating: 4.8 Follower: 1,107 Produk: MPU-6050 6 DOF Axis Gyro Gyroscope Accelerometer Sensor Modul MPU 6050 Harga: Rp 26,577 Rating: 3.0 Suka: 47 Lokasi: KOTA JAKARTA UTARA This board includes a MPU-6050 6-Axis Motion Processing Unit, a 2.5V voltageregulator, and the logic level converter circuit to makes it work under thepower of 3V-5V. Based on its I2C communication protocol, you can use very fewwires to connect it with a 3V-5V MCU directly.The MPU-6050 sensor contains a MEMS accelerometer and a MEMS gyro in a singlechip. It is very accurate, since it contains 16-bits analog to digitalconversion hardware for each channel. Therefor it captures the x, y, and zchannel at the same time.Electronic Feature :Name: MPU-6050 module (three-axis gyroscope + triaxial accelerometer)1Chip: MPU-60502Power supply: 3V-5V power(internal low dropout regulator)3Gyroscope range: + 250 500 1000 2000 / s4Acceleration range: 2 4 8 16 g5Communication Mode: standard IIC communication protocol6Chip built-in 16 bit AD converter, 16 bits data output7Pin pitch 2.54 mm8Size: 20.3mm x 15.6mm9Immersion Gold PCB, machine welding process to ensure qualityApplication :- Motion sensing game- Augmented Reality- Electronic Image Stabilization (EIS: Electronic Image Stabilization)- Optical image stabilization (OIS: Optical Image Stabilization)- Pedestrian Navigator- Zero-touch gesture user interface- The postures quick way Related Produk Rp 71,023 4.4 STM32F103C8T6 ARM STM32 Minimum System Development Board Module Rp 10,277 3.2 Mosfet IRF520 MOSFET Driver 100V 10A Motor Selenoid Module Arduino Rp 40,953 7 3.4 Step Down Buck Converter 5-40V To 1.2-35V DC 9A 300W Module Modul Rp 11,000 6.2Rb 4.8 Tiny DS1307 AT24C32 Real Time Clock RTC DS 1307 Module I2C Modul Waktu Rp 39,600 6.3Rb 4.8 DHT22 Temperature and Humidity Module Modul Sensor Suhu dan Kelembaban Review Produk taufiqsrg 5 Fungsi:ok Ukuran:sesuai Kualitas Suara:ok Berfungsi dengan baik achmadaqillah 5 Mantap chaeriabdillah 5 Barang sudah sampai. Tapi belum saya test taufiqsrg 5 muhammad_ilham_syafei 5 bodnt 5 yusfix 5 herydomestika 5 ekawaryono 5 heiyudah 5 Lihat Semua Review