[MAMAME] Story Book My Reading Collection // Buku Cerita Bahasa Inggris Box Kuning
Rp 16,000
Halaman :
*Merah urutan dari varian 1-25 = 48 halaman
*Biru urutan dari varian 26-40 = 64 halaman
Ukuran Buku : 19,5cm x 13cm
> A board range of story styles, all with lively, readable text and fully illustrated, encouraging children to find the topics they enjoy most, and also to try something different from time to time.
> The first 25 books are taken from Usbrne Reading Series One.
Each to these books contains several lively short stories, or one longer story in easy-to-read chapters.
> The next 15 books are taken from Usbrne Young Reading Series Two.
These contains onr longer story in chapters, and include many retellings of world classics.
shopat.lynns5 Konten:menarik
Cocok untuk:anak usia 7-8 tahun
Kecepatan pengemasan dan pengiriman sangat baik. Packing rapi. Per buku dibungkus plastik. Kualitas cetakan baik, tulisan bisa dibaca dengan jelas. Untuk isi cerita lumayan ringkas, bahasa mudah dipahami untuk kategori usia yang dituju