LOST VAPE URSA NANO ART X S 2 IN 1 POD ORIGINAL Cariolstore Elektronik Vaporizer Pods & Mods Beli Produk Toko: Distro Vaping Rating: 4.8 Follower: 19,774 Produk: LOST VAPE URSA NANO ART X S 2 IN 1 POD ORIGINAL Diskon: 34% Harga Asli: Rp 357,591 Harga: Rp 236,560 Rating: 4.6 Suka: 7 Lokasi: KOTA JAKARTA BARAT 2 in 1 Kit IncludesLost Vape Ursa Nano SLost Vape Ursa Nano S device0.8ohm Ursa Nano fixed coil podUSB Type C cableUser manualursa nano s contentsLost Vape Ursa Nano ArtLost Vape Ursa Nano Art deviceEmpty replaceable coil Ursa pod0.8ohm UB Mini S1 coil1ohm UB Mini S2 coilUSB Type C cableUser manual.The Ursa family include simple pod kits such as the Ursa Baby and Ursa Nano plus more advanced pod mods such as the Ursa Pod Mod and Ursa Mini Pod. Related Produk Rp 28,000 3 5 COIL FEELIN MINI ORIGINAL Rp 215,000 SALE ORIGINAL PROMO ORION MINI Rp 139,000 40 4.6 C.R.E.A.M V VANILLA 100ML Rp 348,000 11 4.6 SALE PROMO DEAD RABIT TANK V3 Rp 1,348,000 3 5 Hyperion DNA 100 Original Review Produk sisyrachman29 5 Bagus banget thankyou so much seller aku happy banget deh yey happy sekali :) unggulvarian 5 mangana885 5 d*****a 5 reskacantik01 5 farizkheciilkheciil 5 exdahn 5 dwi13cahyani 5 iwankurniawan181 5 Lihat Semua Review