Lions Mane Mushroom 500 mg Double Wood Doublewood 120 kapsul vegan Nootropics suplemen kesehatan otak pertumbuhan neuron dan imun
Rp 602,014
Lions Mane Mushroom Capsules (Two Month Supply - 120 Count) Vegan Supplement - Nootropic to Support Brain Health, Neuron Growth, and Immune System, Manufactured in The USA by Double Wood
* Mendukung level NGF (Nerve Grow Factor)
* Mendukung kesehatan otak dan daya imunitas
* Mengurangi brain fog
* Membantu mengurangi stress & relaksasi
*Sudah teruji secara klinis dapat mendukung kesehatan otak dan fungsi kognitif secara keseluruhan
* Mendukung Suasana Hati, Memori, dan Fokus
* Diproduksi di USA
* Asupan nutrisi untuk 2 bulan
Recommended Dosage
The typically recommended dosage of Lion’s Mane is 1000 mg per day, taken with food. This dose can be repeated with each meal if desired, for a total daily dose of 3000 mg. It’s not recommended to exceed 3000 mg per day due to a lack of research at higher doses, though no specific safety concerns for higher doses have been raised.
Lion\'s Mane Mushroom Side Effects
Lion’s Mane is well tolerated and presents few adverse side effects. The most common side effect reported from taking Lion’s Mane is an upset stomach, which is less likely if used with food. Itchy skin is rarely reported as an adverse side effect as well.
Lion’s Mane should not be used if you suffer from a bleeding condition or are at least 2 weeks away from a surgery as some research suggests it may slow blood clotting. (Although this has only been observed in animal studies.)