INDIALO Set Alat Pengeriting Rambut Wireless Otomatis Tanpa Kabel Usb Rechargeable Gaya Korea
Rp 395,347
🌸Intelligent Automatic Curling: The auto rotating ceramic hair curler is the ideal solution for your hair style at home. No skill is required and no need for multiple curling tubes. The lasting and elegant curls of this cordless curling iron are created easily and helps you own an impressive appearance. The heatless hair curlers also has inimitable heat isolating curl chamber to protect your hands. The cordless hair curler will automatically shut down after 60 minutes of use for safer.
🌸No Charging Problem: The ceramic instance wave curling iron is designed with 5200mAh battery. It can be used for 2-4 hours after fully charged. Your curls can be made according to your need in only about 10 minutes by electric hair curler, brings a perfect and satisfied experiences for ladies and friends.
🌸 Convenient and more effective: The automatic curling artifact has heater which makes the titanium straighteners heat up quickly; therefore, chargeable hair curler can achieve a better result and save more time than the normal hair iron straighteners. This twirl hair curler is equipped with 360-degree automatic roller helps you rotate automatically at one click. No more worries about tangling while straightening and curling.
🌸 6 Timer Settings and LCD Screen: The USB curling wand for hair styling can be automatically heated from 150 to 200 degrees. The cordless magic curling also has 6 timer settings from 8 to 18 seconds. You can choose the level which is suitable with your hair. The low level is highly recommended for the first use. It can be seen on the LCD screen.
🌸Easy to Carry: The roller hair electric is small and elegant. This automatic curling iron cordless can be recharged by USB charger, power bank, Laptop or car charger. The hair auto curler is easy to carry for travel and business trips, helps you create beautiful natural hair wherever you want.
winnie.thea5 Harga:murmer
Barang dah sampe dan smua berfungsi dg baik pokoknya suka bgt sama barang nya dan beneran bagus hasil Curly nya txs seller
c*****s5 Performa:Bagusss
Cocok Untuk:curly rambut
bnr2 bagus produknya, pengirimannya cepat & packingannya aman. Harus di cas sampai full dulu, dilepas dri kabelnya baru dipakai, dan hasilnya cepat bgt jadinya seperti di video 😍 semoga tahan lama. Thank u kaa
s*****a4 Harga:worthit lah👍🏻🤏🏻
Kualitas:baiikk, belum di pake buat nyoba sih, tapi semoga gak cepet rusak🌚
cuny_cumy5 Harga:bersahabat..bisa bersaing sama toko2 sebelah 😃
Kualitas:sangat sangat baik
walopun murah,tapi kualitas sangat2 bagus.Untuk pemakaiannya,q masih belajar😌awal2 pakek,rambut pada nyangkut&harus minta bantuan temen cowo buat \'ngebebasin\' rambut2 yg nyangkut😭untung gak harus sampe digunting rambut yg nyangkut😅
Bener2 recommended banget nihh😍♥️❤️
nunkykartika485 Performa:belum di cobaa
Sesuai pesanan, mudah"an pemakaiannya juga gampang yaa
l*****a5 Harga:Bersaing
Kualitas:Sesuai dengan tutorial youtube, membuat rambut curly tanpa membutuhkan waktu yang lama.
Pengiriman cepat, produk diterima dengan baik, admin fast response.
anonim5 Barangnya berfungsi dengan baik, aman dan packingnya rapih. pengirimannya cepet juga ..
firgisetiawan_125 Alat penggulung rambut/ meluruskan rambut yg praktis. Bisa dibawa kemana saja. Saat traveling sangat membantu shg tidak butuh space yg besar dlm koper.