High Precision Timer Module Adjustable Delay Trigger ON/OFF Precise 2s-1000h DC 5V Cariolstore Elektronik Perangkat Audio & Speaker Kabel & Konverter Audio & Video Beli Produk Toko: Lisu Instrument Rating: 4.8 Follower: 2,269 Produk: High Precision Timer Module Adjustable Delay Trigger ON/OFF Precise 2s-1000h DC 5V Harga: Rp 3,899 Rating: 4.8 Suka: 62 Lokasi: KOTA DEPOK yt :v=u_tXefQU_PEv=C4C2H_3BU3oFunction:1. Connect the circuit2. Before the power and not trigger,output is high TTL;3. Trigger terminal "falling edge" trigger effective.Then output low level TTL and start the timer circuit;4. It will output high TTL after timing end and to waiting another "falling edge".5. The chip is not repeated triggered,meaning that continue to trigger in the period of low level TTL is invalid;6. High level TTL is VCC;Low level TTL is 0-0.3V or GND.7. Trigger can be a button or MCU8. It can be set as high TTL trigger:Connect trigger pin to GND then pwoer on.Pin Description:Pin1:GNDPin2:Trigger signalPin3:OutputPin4:VCCP1:If short P1 pads but not short P2,Timer in time will be 8times the original.P2:If short P2 pads but not short P1,Timer in time will be 64times the original.P1&P2:If short P1 and P2 pads ,Timer in time will be 512times the original. Related Produk Rp 400 - 2,499 79 4.8 AMS1117 AMS1117-1.2V AMS1117-1.8V AMS1117-3.3V AMS1117-5.0V AMS1117-ADJ SOT-223 Voltage Regulator Rp 12,899 21 4.9 BT151-500R BT151 SCR 12A 15mA 500V One-way Thyristor TO-220 Rp 1,299 64 4.8 SK23D07VG5 SK23D07 8Pin 3 Position 2P3T DP3T Slide Switch Side Knob Handle 5mm Rp 2,799 46 4.8 SS23D03 Handle 5mm 8 Pin 3 Position 2P3T DP3T Vertical Slide Switch SS23D03G5 Rp 1,099 23 4.8 Vibration Sensor Electronic Shaking Switch Sealed High Sensitivity - SW-18010P Review Produk simon8jo 5 Fitur Terbaik:Module Timer kecil, bekerja baik Sepadan dengan Harga:Murah Fast Delivery and Good Packaging.. bahrudin.abah 4 Fitur Terbaik:ya Sepadan dengan Harga:ya sesuai Pengemasan baik dan rapi, semoga bermanfaat r*****u 4 Item sesuai, pengemasan rapi dibungkus bubble wrap, respon penjual baik. Semoga item ini berfungsi dengan baik. Terimakasih m*****k 5 Barang sudah tibaaa,, thanks seller Dan thanks shoppe.... purnama561 5 Pesanan sudah saya terima dengan aman. Terima kasih. ba1pjkyatg 4 Barang sdh smpai ssuia pesanan ...blum d coba mudah2 baik bisa d pakai👍👍👍 asra020778 5 Fitur Terbaik:sesuai pesanan Barang sesuai deskripsi charles_ls 5 Product sesuai deskripsi, packaging baik dan pengiriman cepat. Tks al_fatih.official 5 paket di terima sesuai orderan..... packing rapi & aman.... respon seller baik. puas blnja disini d2patriadi 4 Sudah sampai dengan baik. Kemasan bubble wrap. belum di tes. Semoga oke Lihat Semua Review