Essential Elements for Strings Violin Book 1/2/3 Buku Belajar Biola Pemula
Rp 202,893 - 323,361
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Original series (red cover book 1)
Tailored to beginning students, Essential Elements for Strings Book 1 covers techniques such as instrument position, fingerings, and bowings while incorporating theory and history lessonsthroughout. Features a broad scope, comprehensive detail, great pacing, thorough reinforcement, and much more!
Original series (blue cover book 2) The second book in the Essential Elements for Strings series reinforces the techniques learned in Book 1, and also introduces new concepts and develops skills in areas such as dynamics, rhythms, and sight-reading. Features a broad scope, comprehensive detail, great pacing, thorough reinforcement, and much more!
Original series (green cover book 3) Essential Technique for Strings is a book of studies to help the intermediate player develop the skills necessary for playing in an orchestra. Its flexible sequence allows you to choose pages from the three major sections: higher positions and shifting, keys and scales, and bowings and special techniques.