(ENGLISH) Catriona Ward: Rawblood, Looking Glass Sound, Little Eve, Sundial, Last House Needless Street Cariolstore Buku & Alat Tulis Beli Produk Toko: POP CULTURE MERCHANDISE 2 Rating: 4.8 Follower: 83 Produk: (ENGLISH) Catriona Ward: Rawblood, Looking Glass Sound, Little Eve, Sundial, Last House Needless Street Harga: Rp 48,800 - 57,700 Rating: 4.8 Suka: 465 Lokasi: KAB. SLEMAN Author: CATRIONA WARDGenre: MISTERY/HORROR/GOTHICLanguage: EnglishSize: 148 x 210 mmPaper: Bookpaper 57grCover: Soft CoverTittles:(1) Last House on the Needless Street (296 Pages)(2) The Girl from Rawblood (340 Pages)(3) Little Eve (252 Pages)(4) Sundial (304 Pages)(5) Looking Glass Sound (304 Pages)Seller Note:- Books are non-original copy, but printed well and proportionately. Related Produk Rp 51,300 - 55,100 11 5 (ENGLISH) JOJO MOYES: ME BEFORE YOU, AFTER YOU, STILL ME Rp 50,635 5 5 (ENGLISH) M.A. KUZNIAR NOVEL; MIDNIGHT AT EVERWOOD Rp 68,590 16 5 (ENGLISH) PACHINKO, MIN JIN LEE NOVEL Rp 36,860 18 5 (ENGLISH) HIRO ARIKAWA: THE TRAVELLING CAT CHRONICLES Rp 74,065 - 76,645 3 (ENGLISH) DENISE WILLIAMS NOVEL: THE FASTEST WAY TO FALL