Dr. Neubauer Desperado 2 - Long Pips Bintik Bertahan Panjang Cariolstore Olahraga & Outdoor Beli Produk Toko: INDOPINGPONG.COM Rating: 4.8 Follower: 4,105 Produk: Dr. Neubauer Desperado 2 - Long Pips Bintik Bertahan Panjang Harga: Rp 450,000 Rating: 4.8 Suka: 43,184 Lokasi: KOTA BANDUNG bisa masuk keranjang berarti tersedia... langsung order gan!--warna karet : sesuai pilihan yang adaOX = tanpa spons, hanya karet bintikreview :Speed : 51Spin : 83Control : 87DESPERADO 2The new alternative for a disruptive game close to the tableDESPERADO 2 is our latest development for a disruptive blocking game close tothe table using long pimples.Since the new plastic ball comes with less spin it has become even moreimportant to produce a consistent and effective blocking game against fasttopspin balls that have little rotation.DESPERADO 2 will enable you to keep the ball low while blocking. Especiallychop-blocking will give a ball that literally''"dives''' on the other side of the table.The plastic ball requires an active type of game with long pimples. DESPERADO 2is a good match since it can be used easily for aggressive pushing and also slowcounter-attacking.The rubber also allows for flicking over the table such as for service returningin order to put pressure on the opponent right away.DESPERADO 2 is highly effective for blocking close to the table and it is fun toplay, try it out! Related Produk Rp 45,000 412 4.8 Yinhe Mercury II (max) - Rubber Karet Pingpong Tenis Meja Rp 95,000 5 Tuttle 911 0.6 Kokutaku - Long Pips Bintik Bertahan Panjang Rp 135,000 91 4.8 Yinhe Moon Speed L (Limited) ~ Rubber Karet Spons Biru Kuning Rp 55,000 90 4.9 GAWS WBG 100ml - Lem Air Water Based Glue Tenis Meja Pingpong Rp 38,000 5 4.9 Marboci WBG 100ml - Lem Air Water Based Glue 100 ml Review Produk cha.zav 5 muslim_noor 5 Makasih dah dterima fikfik1985 5 lailah.ahmad 5 nauvaladyfadilah 5 aishashopp1111 5 Lihat Semua Review