Devina Seamless Bra Comfy Wireless Bra Tipis Non Wired BH Tanpa Kawat Bralet Import
Rp 143,315
A wireless bra is quite easy to wear and allows you to feel easy in your own skin
What is a Wireless Bra?
You would like your bra to enhance your shape right? Then it’s time you open up to the benefits of wireless bra. A wireless bra is also called a soft cup bra. It does not have wire for the support but depends on the cut and stitching of the fabric. So there is a larger band or the inner sling to support the bra.
Benefits of Wireless Bra
Your everyday comfort is important. Don’t leave it down to the wire. Wireless bra benefits are acknowledged by various women. This is because of the range that suits all purposes, tastes, shapes and styles.
Health Benefits
Wireless bra facilitated easy blood flow and proper lymph fluid drainage. Tight bra or underwire bra can hinder the flow of the lymph fluid. A wireless bra indirectly aids the detoxification.
The soft cups of this type of bra help the breasts relax, facilitate the flow and help in preventing breast lump and eventually breast cancer. The wireless bra benefits for your health are really crucial.
Less Restriction
There are so many benefits of wireless bra, but one beats them all. They are less restrictive for the breasts. They are made of more elastic and stretchable fabric that envelopes the body very tenderly.
Color: Nude, Caramel, Chocolate, Black, White
4 sizes: S M L XL (size chart on the third photo)
1. High quality material, soft, breathable, anti-pilling and super thin
2. Design elegant, become stylish in summer.
3. Elastic and tight design, make you looks slim
4. Seamless, without marks
5. Suitable for summer party, beach party, swimming, etc.
denekena5 Tampilan:bahan lembut dan dingin
Warna:yang sudah sesuai
Pengiriman barangnya cepat,bahan lembut dan adem,suka sama BHnya😍😍
l*****l5 Tampilan:Kualitas baguss puass
Warna:Nude & Dark brown
Barangnya baguss, kualitas juga okee.. waktu dipake fit & seamless sesuai keterangan. Cm kok yg nude dtgnya jd pink yahh kak wkwkwk gpp dah next diperhatikan ya. Next purchase is a must👍🏻
d*****15 Terima kasih Seller ,SHOPEE dan Kurir .. orderan sudah sampe di Kabupaten Malang dengan cepat dan kondisi baik .. sukses selalu
l*****a5 Kualitas:murah meriah
Makasih kakak nextime order lagi
Bh nyaa bagus super duper bagus
Tidak menyesal
l*****l5 Warna:coklat kulit
Kualitas bagus, karetnya elastis,terima kasih
leonitasaputra5 Keren
Aku suka
Nanti mau beli lagi
bilan_effendy5 Coba beli satu karna takut ga muat seperti beli di toko sebelah, ternyata yg ini beda size nya muat pas aja gt dipakenya ga ngpress jg padahal pinggul saya termasuk besar. pokoknya bahannya bikin nyaman dipakainya. Langsung repeat order lg dong 😍
sitinurcholifah974 Bagus
Cuma di Gabusnya kayak penyok gak bisa kembali normal