CST Ban Dalam Sepeda 700 x 25-32c FV 48mm Presta Fixie Balap Roadbike
Rp 62,994
Brand CST
Size : 700 x 25-32c
Berat: Sesuai Foto
French Valve FV Pentil Kecil 48mm
Dapat dipasangkan dengan velg / rim yang berukuran sama atau dapat di cek ukuran ban dalam sebelumnya untuk mengetahui kecocokan untuk sepeda kesayangan anda.
Cheng Shin Tire is the largest manufacturer of bicycle tires in the world and offers products in many other categories as well.
Distributed in more than 150 countries, the CST brand covers a wide range of market segments. CST products include tires and tubes for bicycles, motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, autos, trucks, forklifts, agricultural and lawn and garden equipment.
With facilities including three factories in Xiamen, China, CSTβs operations boast world-class manufacturing equipment, innovative technology and a strong emphasis on quality, delivery and customer satisfaction. CST adheres to the most stringent international standards. The company has attained certificates and awards including DOT (US Department of Transportation) certification, ISO9001, E-Mark, TS 16949 and the China Well Known Brand Award.
Utilizing a first-rate manufacturing operation and highly efficient logistics, CST sets the standard for excellence in the tire industry. At CST, quality, integrity and service are more than just words: Theyβre the foundation of the company from top management to the factory floor and beyond.
bonajerlim5 Performa:Super
Kualitas:Bagus sekali
Cocok Untuk:ban sepeda roadbike, fixie
Emang brand bagus sih ini cst, barangnya bagus bgt berkualitas, harga terjangkau. Barang mulus sesuai deskripsi no lecet. Packing superrr AMAN, Rapih, gokill packingnya ππ». Terimakasih seller Responsif. Terimakasih shopee.
k*****h5 Cocok Untuk:ban dalam sepeda
Penjual ramah dan cekatan, harga bersahabat, model, type dan ukuran sesuai harapan, pengiriman aman dan cepat, bonus voucher dan diskon aplikasi sangat menguntungkan.
Thanks Seller, Thanks Shopee, Thanks Kurir.
agustanimursyid5 Kualitas:kualitas terbaik dg harga terjangksu, kuat dan awet, terima kasih seller
agustanimursyid3 Cocok Untuk:kualitas barang sangat bagus orisinil harga, bersaing, makasih seller
s*****15 Barang sudah diterima dalam kondisi baik. Terima kasih atas pelayanannya
griyasewaana5 Barang bagus, packing juga bagus.. tapi belum saya pasang, semoga sesuai harapan.. ππ
danielmarcel085 Well gggg mas
a*****h5 Kualitas:cukup baik
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