kihyunlucu5 I bought the book/binder along with its sleeves, and pleased with quality. Already input my 2nd purchase. And excitedly waiting if its have same good quality or higherㅎㅎ
Thank you so much, will recommend all product i\'ve purchased to my fellow monbebes!
w*****e5 binder sama sleevenya bagus, worth it beli disini soalnya harganya lebi murah dripada yang lain. walaupun pengirimannya agak lama karena dari luar negeri, tapi ini beneran worth to wait sii.
d*****55 Tampilan:Bagus
Alhamdulillah Paket udah nyampe, thank u seller
Langsung dipake dong 😍😍
95sillegirl.iu5 Produknya bagus banget! Bahannya tebel, double sided, dan beneran isi 10 pcs. Awalnya agak worry karna harganya murah, tapi gajadi karna ini top👍
a*****r5 even though the price is cheapest compared to other store but the quality is really good💗
o*****n5 pengiriman lama
tapi worth it
barang bagus, murah, lengkap sesuai pesanan
packaging oke
yourshinebae5 Awalnya bingung buat diisi apa.. eeeg bongkar" album ternyata lentinya cukup hehe
obd17ub7jl5 Tampilan:bagus
Kualitas:harga murah kualitas bagus pengiriman nya agak lama 7 harian baru sampe
m*****k3 ceklekan nya rusak😕, jadi pas masukin lembaran buat tempat pc nya harus lewat tengah, lain kali di cek dulu sebelum di kirim kan ya:(, tapin untung masi bisa di pake ...
c*****_4 The book is so beautiful, I can\'t wait to receive it until it is delivered to my house. I waited a long time for it, but when it arrived the book was so good I was speechless. thanks very much