Baby Bedrail Baby Bed Rail Safety Guard Bedguard Fence Extra Tall Pembatas Pengaman Pagar Kasur Bayi Balita Anak 1.5M / 1.6M/1.8M / 1.9M / 2.0M
Toko: Cumbor Rating: 4.8 Follower: 2,692 |
Produk: | Baby Bedrail Baby Bed Rail Safety Guard Bedguard Fence Extra Tall Pembatas Pengaman Pagar Kasur Bayi Balita Anak 1.5M / 1.6M/1.8M / 1.9M / 2.0M |
Diskon: | 60% |
Harga Asli: | |
Harga: | Rp 56,383 - 157,873 |
Rating: | 4.8 |
Suka: | 62 |
Note before placing the order: This is the price of one side, not the price of a set, the product does not sell headboards, and the bed guardrail received does not have a pole with a separate headboard (this pole is not for sale) οΌ If you have any questions, you can consult customer service
-The bedspread is easy to open and close! Easy to use, just press the button and slide down, you can get in and out on the side only you need.
-Detable crossbar, shockproof, no barriers, no bumps on getting up and lowering the bed, more freely interacting and playing with baby in bed.
-Super easy to install, anyone can do it, it\'s not difficult.
-Double lock protection, turn the knob left and press to unlock to prevent baby from pressing the lift button.
-The design of the latest model is not harmful to small children. There is no gap between the bed and the bed to prevent children from getting stuck.
-The durable bed frame structure material uses the thickest stainless steel on the market. safest
-Made of 300D nylon fabric, thick, strong, harmless, removable and washable.
-For the safety of beloved children, children must always be in the sight of their parents.
-The mesh used as dust mite fabric is well ventilated and odorless.
-Product size: 1.2 meters,1.5 meters, 1.8 meters, 1.9 meters,2 meters
-Price per piece / side
π© The correct way to use:
π Avoid cutting or scratching hard and sharp objects.
Note before placing the order: This is the price of one side, not the price of a set, the product does not sell headboards, and the bed guardrail received does not have a pole with a separate headboard (this pole is not for sale) οΌ If you have any questions, you can consult customer service
π Avoid exposure to extreme heat and humidity. Avoid exposure to strong sunlight.
π Do not use any liquids or chemicals. Cleaning is strictly prohibited as it will damage the surface.
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Review Produk
nazars7621 5 Performa:pengiriman standar Kualitas:sesuai dgn kantong Cocok Untuk:bayi umur 12 bulan "terima kasih seller, paket sesuai dgn deskripsi foto. Motif jerapah bagus kk suka, packingan oke. Pokoke top lah..."
d*****i 5 Kualitaa barang bagus, harga juga terjangkau tapi gak kalah sama kualitasnya, packing aman, gratis ongkir lagi, pengemasan cepat, pengiriman agak lama, thanks seller
rosannahelenafitrysagala 5 Performa:bagus Kualitas:aman Cocok Untuk:bayi dan balita Enak banget ternyata yang ini bisa diturunin sebelah dan gak seret. Trus besinya kokoh di goyang di panjat baby 10 kilo masih kokoh gak bengkok. Aman lah seneng punya ini. Makasih ya
suparmin2006 5 Performa:ok Kualitas:ok Cocok Untuk:balita Barang sudah diterima dalam keadaan baik Packing dan pengiriman ok Terima kasih banyak, Gan
y*****_ 5 Cocok Untuk:yg punya bayi dan balita Kualitas:bagus Alhamdulillah ke beli juga, setelah bingung banget harus pake pager apa buat antisipasi baby pas ditinggal ngerjain pekerjaan lain, terutama pas baby lagi tidur. Karna kemaren baby aku jatuh dari kasur, dahinya sampek nonong, alhasil sama mbah uti nya aku dimarahin. Dapet harga paling murah dari toko manapun, barangnya bagus, pagarnya dinaik turunkan berfungsi baik. Sedikit solusi biar pagernya bisa bener2 kuat, jadi bagian bawahnya itu harus dibor sama penyangga atau pengait kasurnya. Its worth itπ₯°π
anonim 5 Bahan:Cek deskripsi Kualitas:Bagusssss Harga:Median Review bedrail ini naik turunnya ga seret dan ternyata beneer, kiri kanan lancar, sesuai iklan. Instalasi 10 menit kelar. Oia, jd ada 3 besi di balut busa, saya kira itu busa packing, eh ternyata itu besi untuk bagian atas, yg mau beli di notice ya jgn sampai terbuang. Biar empuk bagian atasnya.
ismanabill2 5 Bahan:seseg bahannya Kualitas:bagus Harga:paling murah dibanding yg lainnya Sbnrnya blm bnr2 kepake krna bayiknya masih bayi, tapi klo anak mulai medangkak pasti butuh bgt
nurlindalinda 5 Performa:ok Kualitas:ok Cocok Untuk:kasur Kualitas produk baik,200m,cukup murah,alhamdulillah makasih semoga awett,
gangsalklampok 5 Cocok Untuk:sekat tempat tidur Performa:baik Kualitas:baik Recommended seller Sesuai transaksi
n*****a 5 Bahan:bagus Kualitas:bagus Harga:terbilang terjangkau dari produk lain dg kualitas tak jauh berbeda Aman, menjadi pilihan orang tua terutama ibu dimasa2 baby sedang aktif2nya..