ALCAR Acetyl L Carnitine 1000 mg Double Wood Doublewood 150 kapsul suplemen kesehatan pria fungsi otak memori fokus dan stamina nootropics
Rp 706,465
Acetyl L Carnitine (150 Capsules, 75 Day Supply) 1,000mg ALCAR for Brain Function Support, Memory, Attention, and Stamina - Manufactured and Tested in The USA by Double Wood Supplements
ALCAR (Acetyl L-Carnitine) adalah suplemen untuk meningkatkan Stamina Otak saat berpikir (tidak mudah lelah) dan tubuh selalu aktif. Biasa dikonsumsi atlet saat berolahraga karena meningkatkan energi dalam tubuh
* Meningkatkan stamina otak
* Memperkuat ingatan jangka panjang dan kapasitas ingatan
* Mendukung latihan ketahanan dan stamina
* Mendukung fungsi kognitif dan fokus
* Membantu support mitokondria untuk memproduksi energi dan daya tahan saat berolahraga
* Diproduksi dan diuji di USA
Recommended Dosage
As a supplement for exercise endurance or cognitive support, take 2-4 capsules (1000 mg – 2000 mg) per day on an empty stomach. It’s not recommended to take over 6 capsules (3000 mg) per day due to increased risk of side effects.
Acetyl L-Carnitine Side Effects
ALCAR is safe and well tolerated at typical doses, and while side effects are rare reported side effects include upset stomach, nausea, dry mouth, headaches, and restlessness.
There is some evidence that ALCAR may worsen symptoms in people suffering from bipolar disorder so people with this condition should avoid ALCAR. There has also been some concern that ALCAR may interfere with the thyroid hormone at high doses so people with under-active thyroids may want to avoid ALCAR."